A downloadable Shuffled


An unknown catastrophe has occurred in the world, so the times have mixed up!!! Objects from the past have entered the future and vice versa. You have to find all the items that were lost out of time and return them to their place. Will you be able to reach the end and find them all, or will you give up halfway?


W – Forward

A – Go left

S – Go back

D – Go right

R – Move to another world

T - restart level

E - Pick up item

MouseWheel - Switch between items

LMB – Throw an item

Game creation time: 1 very intense, sleepless and productive week

The game was developed by the team "TEA 47" (Michael WhyNot, Wisija) (and special thank to Satosha for icon creation)

Game made for 2023 Epic MegaJam!


Shuffled.zip 468 MB

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